The Most Significant Belt – The White Belt

As an instructor, I have taught  thousands of students. Yet only a small percentage attain black belt status.  One may think that black belt is the most significant belt – but in my opinion, the white belt is.

As a student comes in as a novice, that is the most crucial time in their training. Within those  first few weeks, they will find out if they have what it takes within themselves to be a martial artist.  Martial arts is not for everyone; just as no one thing is for everyone.  As an instructor, it is my responsibility to guide students and to help them develop their strengths and to overcome their weaknesses – physical or mental.  The best time for me to identify those characteristics is at the beginning of their training. Through observation, I can help them determine the type of training path  which fits them best. If I am unable to help direct the new student or if they leave before they understand all of the roads they have the option of following, then we all lose – the student, the training hall, and myself.

It is no surprise to me that after wearing my blackbelt for years, it began to turn white again with wear. In my case, my original instructor in Korea had my white belt covered with black material which he later presented to me as my blackbelt. After years of consistent use, my white belt re-emerged through the black covering – thus completing the full circle. We should  all strive to be white belts in our hearts – keeping an open-mind, and always growing as a martial artist.

-Master John Dowdy

One comment

  1. This article was fantastic and really opened my mind.

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